General Information

The climate in Milan is generally mild and continental.

The average temperature in Milan in October ranges from 11°C to 18°C.

Italy is a part of the European Currency Unit and the official currency is Euro (€).

Banks in Italy are usually open Monday to Friday 09:00 AM – 15:30 PM.

The voltage in Italy for private homes (and thus for hotels) is 220/240 Volts.

Italian Embassies in the world: https://www.ambasciata.net/1.php?c=Italia

Italian Consulates in the world: https://www.ambasciata.net/1c.php?c=Italia

List of foreign consulates and embassies in Italy: Foreign Diplomatic Representations in Italy

Italian is the first language. The most common foreign language is English.

The official language of the congress is English. No simultaneous translations are provided.

In Milano you will find such a variety of restaurants, from Italian to ethnic and fusion, historic and modern, regional
and international ones, pizzerias and wine bars.

Shops open from 9.30/10 a.m. until 7.30/8 p.m., Monday to Saturday. Shopping centres are open on Sundays too,
as well as most shops in the city centre.

The area code for Italy from abroad is: +39.

Italy is GMT+1. Rome 12:00 – London 11:00 – New York 06:00 – Sidney 22:00

Some participants may need a visa to travel to Italy. Participants are invited to check with the Italian consulate in their country.

The organising Secretariat is not responsible for obtaining visas and does not provide financial support for them.

If you need more information about accomodation you can write to: iscrizioni@idea-group.it